Local to Global

Since the release of Google's algorithm nearly 5 years ago the entire architecture of the internet has changed. The internet used to work in such a way that a globally dominant company like WalMart was able to populate the front pages from a global position and populate the local results. When Google changed how the algorithm over 90% of front page listings was erased from results.


The way Google changed how the internet works, was by integrating location-based search results. This took away the power of global corporations and created a universally and fair platform, based first on local results. Global results are now a product of great local SEO engineering.


Providing the correct keywords with the right geo-locations will be critical for servicing the separate cities and states that Google breaks the internets ranking down into. Stimilon Inc. will focus on coverage in specific areas targeting the specific keywords as agreed upon by both parties.


A general breakdown of your architecture per the correct cities will be a necessary ingredient in providing you the local and national coverage needed to dominate search rankings and gain ranking to the keywords that ultimately drive the most Traffic. This is a long-term objective, to keep your company the top positions in your market space.



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